σεμιναρια συγγραφης βιβλιου

Amadís de Gaula y la literatura caballeresca | Mª Carmen Marín Pina

Беседа Евгения Водолазкина и Татьяны Черниговской о тайнах человеческой памяти

Moby Dick: Bibliotheca Webinar

Great Authors - Neoclassical and Romantic Literature - Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther

AULA CULTURA UNIR. El libro de las pequeñas revoluciones. Elsa Punset

Use fiction to rewrite your life | Jessica Lourey | TEDxRapidCity

1. Introduction

ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ Α' ΜΕΡΟΣ - Σ. Ορφανίδου 'Αυτός ο κόσμος που αλλάζει'

Why I Write about Elves: Terry Brooks at TEDxRainier

11 Writers: Advice to the Young

Стоицизм, 'Беседы' Эпиктета с Андреем Баумейстером. Cowo.книги, Ч.1/2

5 Easy Classics, Have you Read Any of Them?

40 Rules of Love - A Storyteller's View (Elif Shafak & Maria Furtwängler-Burda) | DLDwomen 13

Rencontre littéraire avec Sylvain Tesson

Screenplay Structure In 6 Minutes - Michael Hauge

How to Write a Novel | Nara Duffie | TEDxKids@ElCajon

The power of autobiography: Djola Branner at TEDxHampshireCollege

How To Write Your Novel In Under 20 minutes: Simon Van Booy at TEDxBrooklyn

Great Authors - Literature of Ancient Greece and Jerusalem - Aristophanes and Very Old Jokes

Jen Serravallo Walks You Through The Writing Strategies Book

CHM Revolutionaries: Idea Man- Author Paul Allen with Jose Antonio Vargas

Hanging Out with Anne Lamott -- Point Loma Writer's Symposium By the Sea 2014

Reviving reading | Geetika Saigal | TEDxStMirasCollege